Our Approach
We’ve developed our approach to support a range of educational providers towards achieving and maintaining the Quality in Careers Standard: primary, secondary, independent, special schools and pupil referral units, training providers, Sixth Form and Further Education Colleges.
We also work with Multi Academy Trusts, Councils, Boroughs and groups of schools. The benefits of this approach are cost reductions and shared learning and support. Please speak to us if you have multiple schools wanting to achieve the award.
Common to all education providers seeking to achieve the Standard is:
• Self-assessment leading to the development of an action plan to meet the Quality in Careers Standard
• Submission of evidence to meet the outcome indicators
• External assessment by qualified and occupationally competent independent assessors which includes discussions with staff, governors, partners and students.
Our unique structure
Commitment, Organisation, Delivery and Evaluation
A simple structure with 4 key elements relating to the management of CEIAG designed to help you meet the Quality in Careers requirements in a straightforward and manageable way.
Learning Provider demonstrates commitment to the Quality in Careers Standard and to delivering excellent CEIAG. Communication with all stakeholders. Starts with self-assessment resulting in an action plan.
Ensuring a clear and effective strategy for implementing and managing the careers programme with governing body and SLT direction and support. Promoting awareness and understanding of the careers programme by all relevant staff. A written and published policy for CEIAG.
Delivering an embedded programme of careers education that addresses the career learning needs of each student and demonstrates delivery of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
The CEIAG programme is systematically monitored, reviewed and evaluated to ensure that CEIAG delivered is effective in meeting the needs of all students.
the national Quality in Career Standard costs:
Secondary schools, colleges and Learning Providers
£1250 + VAT
Primary School Award
£900 + VAT
£800 + VAT
This cost includes:
• An online portfolio which enables you to upload all your evidence, access resources, and track progress against each stage
• Stage assessment costs
• Assessment visit (in person/ remote) to the learning provider by registered assessor
• On-going telephone/email support
• Digital handbook and resources to support your work towards meeting the Standard.
• Digital certificates for each stage completion
• Plaque upon completion of the award.
• Social media promotion and celebration on completion of the award
• Case study promotion upon completion
• Use of IIC and the Quality in Careers logos during the process